Phishing MessageDescription:

This message asks the user to enter their password in a box marked "Reset Password". The website in the link is a something.campuslogic.com/resetpassword (not a *.gatech.edu), and has a somewhat realistic looking login form that appears to be tailored to Georgia Tech.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

Message requires user to electronically sign a pdf via DocuSign. However, the link's website (www.fgck96elections.com) is just a front and not an actual website.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

The email has no text, but only an .iqy attachment. The subject will be something of the type "Unpaid invoice [ID:********]". The 'from' address will appear to be from a user within your department, and the email addresses will be formatted as first.last@YOURDEPT.gatech.edu. We believe all of these email addresses are spoofed and not actually real.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

Usually, these messages come in the standard form:
(shortened link here, either goo.gl or bit.ly)
The sender @gt4d.net is also not from Georgia Tech.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

This is not a typical professional correspondence from a major news outlet.
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