Phishing MessageDescription:
The email impersonates an automated Apple email that requests an Apple ID to prevent their account deletion. The email also alludes to needing billing information later as well
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Phishing MessageDescription:
The sender's email is impersonating a Georgia Tech employee's account, but is actually a an external email account. The user will likely say they are in a meeting and would like you to run out to purchase iTunes gift cards.
This email is sent from a non-Georgia Tech email, so please do not respond to it.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
There is an ongoing gift card scam where attackers use social engineering to trick office managers, executive assistants, and receptionists into sending gift cards to the attackers, claiming it’s for employee rewards, perhaps as a holiday surprise.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
This message originated from a legitimate Northwestern University address, however all of the links redirect to hxxp://myworlder[.]com which is a known phishing domain and has been blocked via GT's firewall. Please DO NOT click links or open any attachments from emails that you do not recognize or suspect may not be legitimate.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
This email attempts to get the user to click a link which leads to a dangerous site.
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