Phishing MessageDescription:
Email states that a subscription has been started for YouTube Red and to cancel it, navigate to a phishing website. The site is convincing in appearance as an Apple login site to steal user credentials
Image of Message:!
Phishing MessageDescription:
This message is not a legitimate email and the attached file contains malware.
Do not open any attachments or respond to the message. If you have done so already, please contact us immediately.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
A phisher going by the name of "Gregory Bloomfield" has contacted several graduate students posing as someone looking for a tutor. While the exact process of the scam is not known, it may be a twist on the classic check overpayment scam (https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2004/12/ftc-warns-consumers-about-check-overpayment-scams).
Please forward any messages you receive to phishing@gatech.edu. If you have fallen victim to this scam, please contact the Georgia Tech Police Department.
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Safe MessageDescription:
The message below is a legitimate message regarding a recent accidental disclosure of FERPA protected information.
Image of Message:!
Phishing MessageDescription:
This message is not a legitimate email.
Do not click on the link or respond to the message. If you have done so already, please contact us immediately.
Image of Message: