Phishing MessageDescription:

Scammer claims that a recipient visited adult sites and compromised his/her password. Sender wants bitcoin to be sent to his wallet otherwise he'll leak videos that were supposedly recorded through the computer's camera while recipient was visiting said adult sites.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

This is a phishing message impersonating the President of Georgia Tech, "Bud" Peterson. This is similar to previous phishing attempts that if replied to, will ask the victim to buy gift cards.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

This is a phishing message impersonating the Chair of the School of Economics at Georgia Tech, Laura Taylor. This is similar to previous phishing attempts that if replied to, will ask the victim to buy gift cards.
Also, Georgia Tech does not have a "School of Chair"
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Safe MessageDescription:

This is a legitiment email. Georgia Tech partners with qualtrics to make surveys. This is a legitiment Georgia Tech survey link.
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Phishing MessageDescription:

The message is from someone impersonating David Collard, the Associate Dean of the College of Sciences asking if the receiver is available. This is consistent with similar scams that ask the receiver if they're available and then ask them to buy a bunch of gift cards.
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