Phishing MessageDescription:
Message impersonates an employee from Landstar Container. The link directs a user to a oneDrive file with a link that takes the user away to a malicious site
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Phishing MessageDescription:
Subj: Attention: Upgrade mail quota now to avoid loss of data !
GaTech will not email you asking to enter your password into a random non university website to "get more storage".
NEVER enter passwords into websites you don't trust or look like they're not affiliated with GaTech.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
"Available?" Scam
Scammer typically asks, "Available?" while posing as an authority figure or someone you know. For example in this email the scammer poses as a Director of a department. They will ask you for money and give you the impression that you need to do it as soon as possible.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
The sender is threatening that they have compromised your browser and possess videos of you in compromising situations. In addition, the sender is threatening that they have your password and all of your personal contacts.
The password(s) provided are likely published on the internet and the sender is using social engineering and fear to illicit money.
If you receive this email, please immediately change your account password and any other accounts that may use a variation of the password.
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Safe MessageDescription:
This is a legitimate email sent from a 3rd party service that the College of Computing is partnered with to offer free software to applicable people.
Email headers:
From: Georgia Institute of Technology - College of Computing
Reply-To: noreply@kivuto.com
Subject: An account has been created for you
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