Phishing MessageDescription:
This phish is targeted at Gatech Users and is widely distributed in the GT network. The malicious link that it provides is an abhaygreentech.com address which is a phishing link.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
This is a very widely distributed phish. It links to a known phishing site, vivamexico2.com, not a Georgia Tech human resources link.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
This phish is widely distributed and contains malicious links. The link redirects to an etkinkimya.com which is not Delta's official website.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
This is a better phishing message than what is normally seen. The link redirects to a Microsoft Mail Login Screen that has been copied in design.
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Phishing MessageDescription:
This message appears to be phishing and a possible attempt to deliver malware through a prompt to download a "secured document", which are typically malicious in nature when unsolicited.
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